Weight loss without diet for women over 40 - 26 weight loss tips to keep the fat off!

My husband is actually a fan of my weblog even though he does not care so much virtually manner. And every now and then he gives me me some ideas on what to write about.

He likes the usefulness of my page that lets you calculate if you have a salubrious weight and  thought my article on Madonna and keeping in shape was very interesting and every bit my married man is always 'working' to keep his weight in cheque, he thought he could contribute his 2 cents to the chat.

And I agree! So here it is, a 40+ male'due south have on keeping the weight off after twoscore! Want to have my expert guidance and tips, sign upwardly for the form below.

How to stop overeating and get the body you love class
Lose weight without dieting | 40plusstyle.com

How to lose weight without dieting

Here are my simple tips for losing weight and keeping information technology off. They are all very simple tips. They all work for me, but everyone is different. I would honestly dearest to know what works for you lot!

Function of losing weight is to realise what are your natural advantages and disadvantages when it comes to weight management.

These are mine:


  • I like exercise
  • I exercise non have big craving for sugar or alcohol
  • I like water and I sleep well


  • I love cookies, and find information technology hard to stop eating them in one case I first
  • I get potent cravings for snack in late evening
  • I tin can put on weight very quickly (1 kg per week is easy)

Before you prepare goals for yourself, it is worth to stop and think what natural advantages you have to work with, and what are your weaknesses. Yous cannot eliminate your weaknesses, but it is certainly worth reflecting on how to manage them. (For instance – to manage my snack cravings in late evenings, I simply started going to bed earlier….)

Finally, I strongly prefer unproblematic tips, and then that is what I accept included below. All of them are easy to implement.

Disclaimer: I have never read a weight loss book. I have no scientific noesis.

i. Weigh yourself every day

I continue an eye on my weight every 24-hour interval, by having the scales adjacent to my shower. It may seem obsessive, but it helps me not to lose focus.

ii. Gear up a maximum weight limit

My target weight is 78kg. But I only brand small adjustments until I get over 80kg.
If I go over 80kg, I am very hard on myself until I become back under 78kg. The skilful news is that it usually simply requires a iii-4 weeks of strong discipline to get my weight back below 78kg, because I am quick to recognize my weight has gone too high. These days it rarely happens….

3. Focus

In my heed, losing weight is sixty% about nutrient, 25% about exercise and moving, and 15% about giving your body & heed what it needs to role (balance, water, less stress, fun, etc).

4. Avert carbohydrates, starch and sugar

This is the golden rule and nosotros all know it these days. Carbohydrates are the killer. Carbohydrates are making you fatty.
It is amazing how quickly you get used to living without saccharide once you starting cut back. So be more than conscious of what you are eating, and eat less of the bad stuff… those muffins and doughnuts specially, although we love them…

five. Appetite is non your friend

Someone explained to me that "appetite is not your friend". It took me a while to become it, just they were right. My trunk signals that I need to eat, when ofttimes I don't need to. Strangely enough, the more I eat, the more I desire to consume. I get addicted to eating. These days it is rare to feel hungry, but information technology is a nice feeling… I recommend it…..

6. Avert processed foods

The basic rule – all packaged, processed nutrient is unhealthy. I avoid it, where possible. Non piece of cake, but worth the attempt. The interest of food companies is their profit and Not your health.

seven. Salad is important

I am non actually addicted of the taste of salad. But my trunk seems to like information technology. I am convinced that it is plays a part in losing weight, but I tin't explain why. Information technology is a large part of every meal I eat.

eight. Eat fish, vegetables and fruit where possible

You hear this regularly. And I believe it is truthful. Fish, vegetables and fruit make me experience healthier and more energetic. I am told in that location is more than diet and less calories.

nine. Don't store when you are hungry

This is a very old rule, but it works. I only buy what I need, rather than what I crave.

ten. Avoid diets

I will never nutrition again. I have tried dieting, simply I just got obsessed by food all day long and somewhen I gave in. In my mind, it is amend to eat healthy, than not to eat at all.

eleven. Effort to avoid unhealthy food in the house

I am not a person with bully discipline, so I protect myself confronting myself. The less chips and biscuits I take in the firm, the easier information technology is to avoid these foods.
On the flip side, it helps to accept some raw carrots, apples or other healthy snacks ready to munch when you feel the need.

12. Enjoy 1 alcoholic drink per dark, at virtually…

This is a hard ane. I switched from beer to wine, and gradually cutting dorsum to one glass per night, even in a social setting. Similar reducing sugar intake, you lot quickly get used to new limits. Of course I reduced it slowly, and I was stuck on 2 glasses for a long fourth dimension….

thirteen. Make many small adjustments

When I started my weight loss program, I took many small steps over many years.
I used to drinkable coffee with full foam milk, and then I switched to skimmed milk. I cut cheese out of breakfast and and then on….
Making small changes that reduce my calorie intake, but that do not sacrifice life pleasure, are a no-brainer. You can probably reduce calorie intake ten% without whatever cede or effort.

fourteen. Accept time for dinner

Part of getting healthy is to change your relationship to eating. Accept the time to talk to the family and ask nigh their day. Each meal is a precious moment…..

fifteen. Water is important

I don't know why, simply drinking water really helps me. The more than water I drinkable, the better my body functions.

16. Become at least 7 hours of quality sleep, every night

Staying good for you is nearly nuts. Water and sleep are my nuts. I make sure I get enough sleep. I aim for 7 hours minimum and 8 hours at the weekend. (I likewise accept a quality bed, to make sure I get quality sleep.)

And if you work too difficult, or stress too much, effort to find a amend balance….

17. Exercise regularly

I am lucky; I love do. I prefer social sports, tennis, soccer, etc but I also don't mind jogging. This part of managing my weight comes naturally to me. But for those who don't, even getting out on a walk in the mornings or evenings is skilful do and part of any weight management program. You could look into social sports, yoga, climbing, golf, dancing etc?

Although I am not a huge fan of the gym, I still get on regular basis, and attempt to requite each set of muscles a brusque piece of work out. This keeps them all stretched and active.
I tend to follow a rule that I have to practice my age in minutes. And so now that I am 47, I try to do 47 minutes at least v days per calendar week.

xviii. Movement more than

I endeavour to practise some exercise almost every day, only sometimes it is only about moving more each day. Simply walking to and from a tiffin cafĂ© a bit further from the office is a good example. Once I started thinking near it, I institute many small opportunities to get my body moving more than. Don't take that escalator but walk the stairs. My colleague got himself an office desk-bound where he works standing up. I want ane of those….

19. Don't exercise guilt

No matter what I consume, I don't feel guilty. That doesn't mean I don't try to do ameliorate, and I attempt to avert the aforementioned state of affairs. But I don't do guilt. Ever…..
These simple rules piece of work for me. But anybody is different. I would love to hear yours!!

twenty. Get your clothes refitted

As you lose weight, your clothes need to be adjusted. Get it done! Non just will it look much better, merely there is some other good reason. But equally the marketing teams at P&G talk nigh "moments of truth" (the smell and experience of shampoo when you lot apply it defines the shampoo, the smell of the freshly washed shirt when you lot put it on defines the fabric conditioner), the moment of truth of being overweight is when you accept to shut the top push button of your trousers.

Information technology is not a nice feeling if they barely fit. If y'all become your trousers adapted when you lose weight, you reset the warning betoken that you are putting on weight again because the trousers are tighter fitting sooner.

These simple rules work for me. Just everyone is dissimilar. I would beloved to hear yours!!

Note from Sylvia: are you wondering if you need to lose weight at all, check out your BMI and find out an answer to the question how much should I weigh for my height and age

I now believe that sugars and carbohydrates are the worst culprit in gaining weight. For more info read my article on how to lose weight and stay healthy

What are your best tips for losing weight?

How to stop overeating and get the body you love class

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Source: https://40plusstyle.com/if-you-want-to-lose-weight-dont-diet-here-are-some-simple-rules-that-work/

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